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gate tord[1] meng wið huniȝe, smura mid: sona bẏd sel. Wið *þeoh *wræce[2] gate tord cned swiþe[3] ꝥ hit sẏ swẏlce sealf[4] ⁊ smẏre mid þa þeoh: sona hi bẏd hal. Wið swẏlas gate[Cock. p 356] tord, smẏre mid þa swẏlas: hit hi todrifd ⁊ ȝehæled ⁊ ȝedeþ ꝥ hi eft ne arisaþ. Wið syna ȝetoȝe gate tord meng wið ecede ⁊ smire mid: ꝥ sar byd ȝehæled. Gate ȝealla on wine ȝedruncen wifa halan him of adeþ ⁊ hẏ ȝehælþ.

Medicina (de) ariete.

Wið wearras ⁊ wið swulas blac rammes *wul[5] on wæte ȝedifed ⁊ æfter[6] þan on ele ⁊ siððan aled on ꝥ sara stowe: ꝥ sar heo onweȝ afyrred ⁊ ȝẏf hit byð mid ȝereced þa toslitena[7] wunda heo forþricceð. Þa wearres ⁊ *þa[8] swẏlas ðe beoþ on manes handum oþþe on oþrum lime oþþer embe þana utgang smure mid þan wætan þe druppe of *healfsodenre[9] rammes lungene: raðe heo hiȝ onweȝ afirreð. Wið wund-sprinȝum on anwlitan rammes lungane smæl tocorfan ⁊ to ðan sare ȝeled: sona hit ȝehaleð. Wið scurfum rammes[10] smeru nim ⁊ meng[11] *dærto[12] sot ⁊ sealt ⁊ sand ⁊ hit *wulla[13] onweȝ ⁊ after smẏre: hit byd eft liþere.

[Cock. p. 358]

Medicina de apro. bov(e).

Wið ælc sar bares braȝen[14] ȝesoden ⁊ to drence ȝeworht on wine: ealle sar hit ȝeliþegaþ. Wið herþena sare ⁊culli ⁊ ueretri *teorses[15] bares braȝen meng wið huniȝ ⁊ wryþ on: wunderlice hit hæled. Wið innepes flewsan *niwe[16] bares lifere ⁊
  1. ms. to tord.
  2. ms. þeoþ wrace.
  3. ms. mid swiþe.
  4. ms. seallf sealf.
  5. ms. wulon.
  6. ms. ef ⁊ æfter.
  7. ms. þato slitena.
  8. ms. swa.
  9. ms. healfe sodene.
  10. ms. p. rammes.
  11. ms. o meng.
  12. ms. to.
  13. ms. willa.
  14. ms. bla braȝen.
  15. ms. teu’rse.
  16. ms. nife.