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results were hardly satisfactory. Here are some of the cases:

(1) In the British Medical Journal (May 1, 1909) the following case is given as recorded in The Healer (the organ of the Society of Emmanuel):

'The patient fell and injured the patella, which had previously been broken four times—two doctors expressed the opinion that he would never have full use of the knee again. It was very painful and quite callous (sic) at the time of the first treatment by prayer, but in twenty minutes he was able to bend it without help; the following day to walk about the house, and after four visits to resume ordinary duties.'

Inquiries failed to elicit any details which would enable investigation to be made.

(2) From the British Medical Journal of June 5, 1909:

'Mr. Hickson is reported to have said that he has another case of "cancer of the throat" under his care; the patient had undergone two operations before going to him, and is now apparently getting well. We should be glad to have particulars of so interesting a case, but we doubt whether they will be forthcoming.'

Apparently they were not. But the case was identified without difficulty. A clergyman,