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'A man with some slight symptoms of bladder trouble consulted an eminent specialist, who discovered a small growth which could easily have been removed. It was arranged that the patient should undergo an operation. In the meantime he fell among Christian Scientists, who persuaded him that he was quite well. And, indeed, for a time the symptoms almost ceased. But the insidious disease remorselessly went its way, till the unfortunate patient was past all surgery.'

If it be said that the societies I have mentioned repudiate all connexion with Christian Science, I reply that by their fruits must they be judged. Both Christian Science and the various associations for spiritual healing profess to heal any and every disease, and offer proofs of their claim, which, whenever they have been tested, have been shown to be utterly without foundation.

III. Spiritual Healing on a Scientific Basis

In a book which has recently appeared, 'Body and Soul,' by the Rev. Percy Dearmer, we have a serious and able attempt to put 'spiritual healing' on a scientific basis. Considerations of space do not permit me to deal as fully as I should wish with this really