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cement sidewalk. Instantly I thought, "All is Love."

'As I went downstairs the entire paragraph in "No and Yes," page 19, beginning, "Eternal harmony, perpetuity, and perfection constitute the phenomena of Being," came to me and took up its abode with me, and with it the clear sense of the great gulf fixed between the child and the lie that claimed to destroy. The child was brought in, and as she was carried upstairs she cried. As she was laid down, the blood was spurting from her mouth, and had already covered her neck and shoulders. I instantly said, "There is one law—God's law—under which man remains perfect," and the bleeding immediately stopped. The child seemed to relapse into unconsciousness, but I declared, "Mind is ever present and controls its idea," and in a few moments she slept naturally. During the morning she seemed to suffer greatly if she was moved at all, and her legs seemed paralysed, lifeless. In the afternoon, all sense of pain left, she slept quietly, and I went to the afternoon service rejoicing greatly in my freedom from the sense of personal responsibility.'

'When I returned she sat in my lap to eat some supper, with no sense of pain, but still unable to control her limbs, which