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By Rev. Samuel McComb, D.D.

Crown 8vo. 32 pp. sewed, 6d. net.

This little book is published under the direction of the Emmanuel Committee for Great Britain, and deals with the method and working of the Emmanuel Clinic when brought into contact with persons suffering from maladies which appear to be primarily mental, moral and spiritual, and only secondarily physical, but which, nevertheless, defy the utmost efforts to console or to relieve.


An Account of the Work of the Church and Medical Union.

Crown 8vo. sewed, 6d. net.

No one will deny that psychic healing is a question of paramount interest at the present time. It is an everyday topic of conversation in the market place, the workshop, and in the schools. As a leader writer in one of the chief medical papers pointed out the other day, 'spiritual or mental healing is going on all around us.'

That psychic medicine is daily becoming of more value to the community most people probably realise, but, if not properly controlled, it may lead to evils against which the public are entitled to be safeguarded.

This feeling prompted a small number of laymen to form themselves into a Committee, and this Committee formed the nucleus of the Society now known as the Church and Medical Union.


By Mrs. Arthur Bell.

With 32 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. price 6s. net.

The present volume from the pen of the well-known author of 'The Saints in Christian Art' is an attempt to weave into a consecutive narrative the more important of the many legends that have in the course of centuries gathered about the Gospel story, and reflect the natural yearning of believers in Christ to learn all that is possible concerning their Lord from those most closely associated with His life on earth. Founded on a great variety of sources, including the Apocryphal New Testament, the various MS. fragments of Gospels and Sayings of Christ that have from time to time been discovered, with the publications inspired by them, the book will, it is hoped, appeal alike to the serious student who delights in tracing tradition to its fountain-head and to the wider public able to recognise, without desire to analyse, the spiritual significance and poetic beauty of many of the quaint tales recited in it.