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pents," [1] the company of devils, and all the rest of torments, from which she has no hope ever to escape!

Colloquy. — O just Judge, have mercy upon me! "Et cum veneris judicare, noli me condemnare and when Thou comest to judge, do not condemn me! O my soul, fear this sentence of eternal damnation, and live in such a manner that thou mayest merit to be delivered from it! Amen.


1. Sixthly, I am to consider the sentence that shall be given upon the just, Christ our Redeemer saying invisibly to him with an amiable voice, " Come, thou blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." [2] " Well done, thou good and faithful servant; because thou hast been faithful over a few things I will place thee over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. " [3] And at that very instant the devil departs ashamed, and the angel-guardian receives the soul, other angels (as they came to the soul of poor Lazarus) coming to accompany it; and all with great joy carry it to heaven, [4] to enjoy that eternal good, when it has nothing to be purged in purgatory. Oh, what joy shall the soul have in that her first and so much desired entrance! That which was before full of sorrows, humbled with contempts and troubled with fears, in a moment shall see herself far otherwise, all her pain turned into glory and her mourning into rejoicing, in the company of angels, in a place of repose, and engulfed in the view of her Almighty God.

2. These things considered, I will make comparison between the good and the evil, and I shall see (as David

  1. Isa.xiv. 11.
  2. Matt. xxv. 34.
  3. Matt. xxv. 21.
  4. Luc. xvi. 22.