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without end! May the thrones, cherubim, and seraphim bless Thee, praise Thee, &c. Bless our Lord, O ye patriarchs and prophets, praise Him and glorify Him for ever! " Bless our Lord," O ye apostles and evangelists, praise Him, &c.

And in this manner I may go through all the saints.

4. I may likewise with David invite all faculties and senses, and all the thoughts and affections of my heart, saying, " Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name," [1] that all together may assemble to adore and glorify this our Lord for the part that they all have in this sovereign benefit.

Colloquy. — May mine eyes bless Thee, O Lord, for they have seen Thee in this sacrament; and my lips, for they have touched Thee; and my tongue and palate, for they have tasted Thee; and my breast, for that it is Thy habitation; and let all my bones say, "Lord, who is like to Thee?" [2] Let my memory bud forth Thy praises, my understanding magnify Thee, my will love Thee, my appetites desire Thee; and let them all be dissolved in Thy presence, singing the glory of Thy coming. Amen.


1. Then I am to recall to my memory the office of Christ our Lord, and the ends that He had in coming to visit me, being glad and joyful to have within me my Redeemer, my physician, my master, and all my good; and with a great affection I will spiritually embrace Him with the arms of humility and charity, speaking that of the Canticles, "I have found Him whom my soul loveth; I hold Him, and will not let Him go." [3] I will for no cause part from His sweet company; and for no labour nor tribulation [4] will

  1. Ps.cii. 1.
  2. Ps.xxxiv. 10.
  3. Cant. iii. 4.
  4. Gal. iv. 26.