Page:Meditations For Every Day In The Year.djvu/126

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Wisdom of God, " in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Coloss. ii. 3); and yet men have contradicted, and still contradict, His divine doctrine. His words and actions were continually contradicted, and He was perpetually misrepresented and calumniated, and do you wonder and complain that you are sometimes contradicted and reproved? Learn to suffer patiently, as He did. If you wish to be a disciple of Christ, you must be content to be set up as an object of reproof and contradiction; for "the disciple is not above his master." (Matt. x. 24.)

III. Consider the words which holy Simeon addressed to the Virgin: "Thy own soul a sword shall pierce." (Luke ii. 35.) Ponder how divine Providence mixes sorrow with joy, and amidst the immense pleasure which she must have experienced on seeing such honors bestowed on her Son, he reminds her of her future grief. Admire her singular resignation to the will of Heaven in accepting this piercing sword of sorrow from the hands of God. Imitate her example, and learn not to be immoderately overjoyed in time of consolation and prosperity, but always bear in mind the sorrow that may follow. "In the day of good things," Ecclesiasticus advises, "be not unmindful of evils." (Ecclus. xi. 27.)


The Prophetess Anna.— I.

I. The virtues of this holy woman are here proposed for our imitation. After seven years of a married life, she lived continually in the temple, " by fasting and prayer, serving night and day" (Luke ii. 37); and she was then eighty-four years old. Meditate on her great love of purity, her continual exercise of prayer and mortifica-