Cœnam cum Discipulis.
The following prose is from the Salisbury Missal: and occurs in the Mass of the Five Wounds. Daniel found it in the same Mass in a Missal of the Augustinian hermits. In both editions it is exceedingly corrupt. It may safely be referred to the twelfth century. The very great difficulty of the measure, taken in connection with the exquisite simplicity of the original, (which under any circumstances it would have been difficult) and in these it is almost impossible to preserve,) made me hesitate as to including it in the present collection. But though much of the melody, and more, I fear, of the simple fervour may have been lost, I still think that it may not be without its value to English readers.
At the Supper with the Twelve
Thou, O Christ, wast seated;
And hadst prophesied Thy Death