On that first morning of the week,
Before the day began to break,
They went their buried Lord to seek.
Both Mary, as it came to pass,
And Mary Magdalene it was,
And Mary, wife of Cleophas.
An Angel clad in white was he
That sate and spake unto the three,
"Your Lord is gone to Galilee!"
When John the Apostle heard the fame,
He to the tomb with Peter came:
But in the way outran the same.
That night the Apostles met in fear:
Amidst them came their Lord most dear,
And said, "Peace be unto all here!"
When Didymus had after heard
That Jesus had fulfilled His Word,
He doubted if it were the Lord.
"Thomas, behold My Side," saith He;
"My Hands, My Feet, My Body see:
And doubt not, but believe in Me."