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And the cohorts of His angels
Shall be near Him in the sky:
And the sun shall turn to sackcloth,
And the moon be red as blood,
And the stars shall fall from heaven,
Whelm'd beneath destruction's flood.
Flame and fire, and desolation
At the Judge's feet shall go:
Earth and sea, and all abysses
Shall His mighty sentence know.
Then the elect upon the right hand
Of the Lord shall stand around;
But, like goats, the evil doers
Shall upon the left be found:
"Come, ye Blessed, take the kingdom,"
Shall be there the King's award,
"Which for you, before the world was,
Of My Father was prepared:
I was naked, and ye clothed Me;
Poor, and ye relieved Me; hence
Take the riches of My glory
For your endless recompense,"
Then the righteous shall make question,—
"When have we beheld Thee poor,
Lord of glory? When relieved Thee
Lying needy at our door?"
Whom the Blessed King shall answer,—

"When ye showed your charity,