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Sancti, venite, Corpus Christi sumite.

Rugged and unpoetical as this hymn is, it has a certain pious simplicity about it which renders it well worthy of preservation. It is an early example of a metrical composition, sung during the communion of the people. The Communio of the Latin, like the Koinonicon of the Eastern, Church, never now appears but as prose.—The present hymn seems not later than the seventh century.

Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord,
And drink the Holy Blood for you outpoured.

Saved by that Body, hallowed by that Blood,
Whereby refreshed, we render thanks to God.

Salvation's Giver, Christ the Only Son,
By that His Cross and Blood the victory won.

Offered was He for greatest and for least:
Himself the Victim, and Himself the Priest.