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With Him they dwell, no more distressed,
In the fair Land of light and rest:
He gives them mansions, one and all,
In that His Heavenly Father's Hall:
—Thus have they changed their loss for gain,
By that accursed Monarch slain.

A voice from Ramah was there sent,
A voice of weeping and lament:
When Rachel mourned the children's care
Whom for the tyrant's sword she bare.
Triumphal is their glory now
Whom earthly torments could not bow:
What time, both far and near that went,
A voice from Ramah was there sent.

Fear not, O little flock and blest,
The lion that your life oppressed!
To heavenly pastures ever new
The heavenly Shepherd leadeth you;
Who, dwelling now on Sion's hill
The Lamb's dear footsteps follow still:
By tyrant there no more distressed,
Fear not, O little flock and blest!

And every tear is wiped away

By your dear Father's bands for aye;