This Hymn, divided as in the Breviary, after the fourth verse, was inserted, with some corrections, in the Hymnal Noted. Thence, with a good many alterations, it was copied in the Sarum Hymnal; one of these changes seems true and happy: v. 27.
Who, the two walls underlying,
Bound in each, binds both in one.
In Hymns Ancient and Modern it is very slightly altered: and some of the changes can hardly be thought improvements, e.g., " Thither faithful souls do soar." It is curious to observe how both one and the other soften the second line of the second verse: the Sarum has:
Grace and glory round her shed,
Hymns Ancient and Modern, (much better,)
Bridal glory round her shed.
The second part of the translation, "Christ is made the sure Foundation," has been adopted as a dedication hymn with so much general favour, that it would be unthankful not to mention the fact.