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1. The grace of the Holy Ghost be present with us;

2. And make our hearts a dwelling place to itself;

3. And expel from them all spiritual wickedness.

4. Merciful Spirit, Illuminator of men,

5. Purge the fearful shades of our mind.

6. O holy Lover of thoughts that are ever wise,

7. Of Thy mercy pour forth Thine Anointing into our senses.

8. Thou purifier of all iniquities, O Spirit,

9. Purify the eye of our inner man,

10. To the end that the Father of all things may be seen by us,

11. He, Whom the eyes of none save the pure in heart can behold.

12. Thou didst inspire the Prophets to chant aforehand their glorious heralding of Christ.

13. Thou didst confirm the Apostles, so that they shall bear Christ's glorious trophy through the whole world.

14. When, by His Word, GOD made the system of heaven, earth, seas,

15. Thou didst stretch out Thy Godhead over the waters, and didst cherish them, O Spirit!