Thou that knewest no sin, hearest her, penitent—cleansest her, defiled—lovest her, that Thou mayest make her fair.
11. She embraceth the feet of the Lord, washeth them with her tears, wipeth them with her hair: by washing, by wiping, by ointment, she anointeth them,—with kisses she encircleth them.
12. These are the banquets which are well-pleasing to Thee, O Wisdom of the Father!
13. O Thou born of a Virgin, Who disdainest not to be touched by a woman that was a sinner!
14. Thou wast invited by the Pharisee: Thou wast banqueted by Mary.
15. Much Thou forgivest to her that loved much, and repeated not her sin in time to come.
16. From seven devils Thou cleansest her, by Thy sevenfold Spirit.
17. From the dead Thou didst grant her to see Thee again before the others.
18. By her, O Christ, Thou signifiest Thy proselyte Church; whom albeit alien-born, Thou callest to the table of Thy sons.