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8. Peace be unto you, saith He; I am He; fear not; preach the word of Christ to every creature, before kings and princes.

9. As the Father hath sent Me, even so send I you into the world; be ye therefore prudent as serpents, be ye harmless as doves.

10. Hence Peter, Prince of Apostles, visited Rome; Paul, Greece, preaching grace everywhere: hence these twelve chiefs in the four quarters of the world, preached as Evangelists the Threefold and the One.

11. Andrew, either James, Philip, Bartholomew, Simon, Thaddeus, John, Thomas, and Matthew, twelve Judges, not divided from unity, but for unity, collected into one those that were divided through the earth:

12. Their sound is gone out into all lands,

13. And their words into the ends of the world.

14. How beautiful are the feet of them that proclaim good tidings—that preach peace;

15. That speak thus to them that are redeemed by the Blood of Christ: Sion, thy God shall reign;