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She sighed.

"Do you hear me?" he asked. "It is well. Glory! one kiss?"

He put down his hand into the bottom of the boat, and drew out the plug, and tossed it overboard.At once the cold sea-water rushed in and overflowed his feet.

"Glory!" he cried, and he folded her to his heart, and fastened his lips fiercely, ravenously to hers.

He felt her heart throb, faintly indeed, but really.

Merrily pealed the musical bells. Cans of ale had been supplied the ringers, and they dashed the ropes about in a fever of intoxication and sympathy. Joy to the wedded pair! Long life and close union and happiness without end! The topers at the Leather Bottle brimmed their pewter mugs and drank the toast with three cheers.

The water boiled up, through the plughole, and the boat sank deeper. Life was beginning to return to Mehalah, but she neither saw nor knew aught. Her eyes were open and turned seaward, to the far away horizon, and Elijah relaxed his hold one instant.

"Elijah!" she suddenly exclaimed, "How cold!"

"Glory! Glory! It is fire! We are one!"

The bells pealed over the rolling sea—no boat was on it, only a sea-mew skimming and crying.


Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, England.