Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/209

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gravy, mixed with Madeira or red wine and stewed slowly 1½ hours until tender, turning several times. Cut each celery in half, pour dressing over and serve.


This is a southern species of thistle and is prepared like Stuffed Root Celery, No. 59. You can prepare this vegetable without stuffing, by cooking it tender in salt water, and stewing a few minutes in a savory wine dressing.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 1 lb. of asparagus
  • 1 small head of cauliflower
  • 30 small, young carrots
  • ½ lb. of morels or fresh champignons
  • 12 crabs
  • 4 qts. of water
  • 3 tbsps. of salt
  • ¼ lb. of butter
  • 2 tbsps. of flour
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 pinch of pepper

Preparation: The asparagus is peeled and cut into 1½ inch pieces, cauliflower is cleaned and broken into small roses, morels or fresh champignons brushed well. If you use morels, put them over the fire in lukewarm water and let them get hot, stirring gently, then strain. Repeat this process until all sand is removed. Asparagus and cauliflower are cooked until tender in salt water. The carrots are scraped and stewed until tender in butter and ¼ pt. of bouillon. The crabs are washed, brushed and cooked in boiling salt water, then the meat is picked out, the coral broken fine and stewed in 2 tablespoonfuls of butter and 1 pt. of vegetable liquor from cauliflower and asparagus. The flour is mixed with a little water and stirred in and all this is cooked ½ hour, then seasoned with salt and pepper and strained. The crab sauce is added to the carrots, the asparagus, cauliflower, morels and crab meat added, heat it over the fire, put into a dish with a little butter over top and serve very hot.

Remarks: This is a very fine dish and it may be prepared from canned vegetables.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2 lbs. of fresh champignons
  • ⅛ lb. of good butter
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • ½ pt. of cream
  • ¼ pt. champignon liquor
  • 2 tbsps. lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of pepper

Preparation: The fresh champignons must be hard and white. Remove the brown skin, trim off the roots and wash