Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/285

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  • ½ bottle of Burgundy wine
  • ½ bottle of good white wine
  • ½ bottle of arrack
  • ½ pt. pineapple juice
  • 2 oranges
  • ½ bottle German champagne
  • ¼ lb. of sugar
  • ¼ pt. of water

Preparation: Sugar, water, Burgundy wine, white wine, arrack and pineapple juice are mixed well and heated but not boiled. The orange is sliced with the peel and put into the bowl, then the hot fluid is poured in and the champagne added at the table.


  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • ¼ lb. of sugar
  • 10 cloves
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • ½ lemon rind

Preparation: The ingredients are mixed well and brought to the boiling point, but not boiled, strained and served hot.

No. 8—GROG.

  • ½ pt. of rum
  • Liberal ½ lb. of sugar
  • ¾ qt. of boiling water

Preparation: Mix the ingredients and serve at once.


  • 1 tbsp. of Bishop essence, or the thin peel of a small orange
  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • ¼ lb. of sugar
  • ½ cup of water

Preparation: The sugar is dissolved in the red wine and the Bishop essence mixed in or the orange peel is soaked in water for ½ hour and mixed with the wine.


  • 2 bottles of good white wine
  • Juice of 2 oranges
  • ½ lb. of fresh pineapple
  • 1 bottle of champagne
  • 1 lb. of sugar
  • ⅛ orange peel

Preparation: The pineapple is cut into small pieces, put into a bowl, the piece of orange peel and juice, with the sugar added and left to stand 15 minutes, then the white wine is poured on. Put the beverage on ice and when serving, add the champagne.


  • 5 eggs
  • ½ lb. of sugar
  • 1½ qts. of whipped cream
  • ¾ pt. of arrack

Preparation: Yolks of eggs and sugar are beaten to a froth, the arrack mixed in, the beaten whites of eggs added and lastly whipped cream. Serve this punch in glasses or tumblers.