Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/39

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Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 4 lbs. of meat
  • 1 piece of fat bacon
  • Salt
  • 6 pepper-corns
  • 1 bay-leaf
  • 1 clove
  • 2 tbsps. of suet
  • 3 tbsps. of flour
  • 1 tbsp. of red wine or Madeira
  • ½ of an onion

Preparation: The meat—from rump, chuck or sirloin—is pounded. The bacon cut in small thick pieces is stuck into the meat, heat the suet, add onions and brown meat slightly on both sides. When this is done it is placed on a platter. Flour is browned in the suet to which water and the spices are added, and cooked. The browned meat is put into the gravy, which should cover it. Cover the pot well. The best thing for a pot roast is an iron pot. Put the covered roast into the moderately hot oven for 2½ to 3 hours, basting frequently. One-half hour before done, pour the wine over it. When done, take the roast out and prepare the gravy. Take off all fat; if too thick add more water and strain.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 3 slices of meat, 3 lbs.
  • Salt, pepper
  • ⅛ lb. of butter
  • ½ qt. of bouillon
  • 10 small peeled onions
  • 3 carrots cut into cubes
  • 1½ tbsps. of flour
  • 1½ tbsps. of vinegar

Preparation: The meat slices are salted, pounded, browned in hot butter and put into a pot. The carrots and onions are added and the bouillon is poured over. Cook slowly until tender.

The meat, carrots and onions are taken out with a big skimmer. The flour is browned in the butter in which the meat was first browned, the gravy of the meat added and the vinegar; boil and strain. The onions and carrots are arranged around the roast slices and a few tablespoonfuls of the gravy put on the meat. You can also add for garnishing some nice cuts of boiled potatoes or small potato dumplings.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 4 lbs.—2 ribs
  • Some fine spices, salt
  • ¾ qts. good vinegar
  • ⅛ lb. of butter
  • 2 kohlrabis cut in cubes
  • ¼ celery-root cut in cubes
  • ½ parsley-root cut in cubes
  • 2 onions, cut up small
  • 3 carrots cut in cubes

Preparation: The bones and tendons are taken out, the