Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/69

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well and scalded several times, then rubbed down with salt and left in water for ¼ day. After that it is cut into 3 inch squares and cooked until tender. Now add salt, pepper-corns, bayleaf, cloves and onion. Heat the butter and flour, take some of the bouillon when the tripe is done and pour it into the butter to make the gravy thick and stir in 2 yolks of eggs.

Put the tripe and gravy on one platter and serve. The bouillon may boil down to leave just enough for the gravy, making it pretty strong.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2 calf tongues
  • ¼ lb. washed raisins
  • 1 slice of lemon peel
  • ½ pt. of white wine
  • 2½ tbsps. of butter
  • 2½ tbsps. of flour
  • 3 qts. of water
  • Salt
  • 6 pepper-corns
  • ½ onion
  • 1 bay-leaf
  • 2 cloves
  • Juice of ½ lemon

Preparation: Soak the calf tongues in water. Cover and cook slowly in 3 qts. of water with salt, lemon peel, bay-leaf, cloves, onion and pepper; when tender, skin and slice. Brown the butter and flour and add the tongue bouillon, white wine, raisins and lemon juice. Cook ½ hour and season with sugar, salt or lemon juice. Put the tongues into the gravy and heat but do not boil. The gravy must be thick. Serve. Potato dumplings are nice with this meat.


Quantity for 8–10 Persons.

  • 1 saddle of veal
  • ½ lb. chopped veal
  • 1 qt. fresh champignons or
  • 1 pt. canned champignons
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt according to taste
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 piece of butter
  • ½ soaked roll
  • Small peeled potatoes

Preparation: The saddle of veal is freed from all fat and the rib-bones are freed from meat 2 inches from the end. The prepared saddle of veal is tied together so it looks like a crown.

The fresh champignons are cooked until tender in butter and some bouillon or water. Add the 2 eggs, the chopped veal, pepper, salt and roll and mix well. This stuffing may or may not be stewed a little with butter and then put into the crown of veal. On the small ribs stick some potatoes so that they will not get too brown.

Roast the stuffed crown of veal 2 or 2½ hours, same as veal roast.