Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/87

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a platter, skin t and lard it 'where the skin has been removed with 30 to 40 cloves, sprinkle side with the sugar and thickly with the rye bread crumbs, then lay the ham into a pan and bake it in the oven for 1 hour. Serve with a Madeira gravy. This is a fine dish.


Quantity for 15–20 Persons.

  • 10 lbs. of ham
  • 2 bottles of Burgundy wine
  • 2 small sliced onions
  • A leek
  • 1 piece of thyme
  • 1 piece of marjoram
  • ¼ lb. of truffles
  • 1 very large pig's bladder
  • 2 tbsps. of butter
  • 2½ tbsps. of flour
  • ¼ pt. of Madeira
  • ½ cup of bouillon
  • A cloth to tie up the ham
  • Water to boil in
  • ¼ lb. of champignons

Preparation: The skin is cut oif and the bones are taken out as well as possible. To the wine add the onion, the chopped leek, thyme and marjoram, then leave the ham. in it for 24 hours, turning it over often. After that take it out, make a stuffing of truffles, champignons, 1 tablespoonful of butter, salt, pepper and ½ cup of bouillon mixed well and stuff the cavity left after removing the bone with it and sew it up. Clean the bladder well inside and outside, make a cut into it and put the stuffed ham inside, then pour in the wine with all its contents in which the ham has been lying for 24 hours, sew it up carefully. Then tie the whole into a white cloth and put it on the fire in cold water to boil for 4 to 5 hours slowly. After this, take the cloth off, open the suture, pour the fluid into a pot and put the ham into a pan.

Brown the butter and flour, add some of the ham fluid and Madeira, cook it well and add perhaps ½ teaspoonful of sugar, (better taste the gravy first). Fill some of this gravy over the ham and put it into the oven, roast for ¼ hour, then serve it with the gravy. Ham prepared in this way is very fine. If wine cannot be had, use Ginger Ale.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 1 lb. raw ham sliced very thin
  • 1½ pts. milk
  • 12 eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt and white pepper
  • ⅛ lb. butter

Preparation: The ham is put in milk for 6 hours, then dry off tIhe ham slices and fry them quickly in butter, put them on a platter and pour the butter over. In the meantime the