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for the existence of mankind, no one can doubt. In the end, the craving for self-preservation alone can be victorious. Beside it, so-called humanity, the expression of mingled stupidity, cowardice and imagined superior knowledge, melts like snow in the March sun. In eternal battle mankind became great; in eternal peace it will go to destruction.

For us Germans the slogan of “internal colonization” is perdition because (if for no other reason) it at once confirms the belief that we have found a means which on pacifist principles allows us to lead a gentle dream-life, assuring our existence by “working for” our living. If we should ever take this idea seriously, it would mean the end of any exertion to maintain the place which is rightfully ours in the world. Let the average German once become convinced that his life and future can be assured in this way as well as in some other, then every attempt actively (and thus alone fruitfully) to defend German vital necessities will be finished. If the nation took such an attitude we could regard any really useful foreign policy as dead and buried, and with it the future of the German people.

Considering these consequences it is no accident that the Jew always leads in planting such deadly ideas among our people. He knows his men too well not to realize that they will be grateful victims of any confidence man who can make them believe the means is found to snap their fingers at Nature, to render unnecessary the hard, implacable struggle for existence, to ascend (now by work, now by simply sitting still, “just however it comes”) to lordship over the planet.

I cannot sufficiently emphasize that all German internal colonization must serve primarily only to correct social abuses (particularly to withdraw the land from the reach of general speculation), but can never suffice to assure the future of the nation without new territory.

If we act otherwise, we shall soon be at the end not only of our territory, but of our strength.

There remains finally this to be pointed out:

Both the restriction to a certain small area consequent upon