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On April 1, 1924, by decision of the Munich People’s Court under that date, I was to start serving my sentence in the fortress of Landsberg on the Lech.

For the first time in years of uninterrupted work this opened to me the possibility of undertaking a task frequently asked of me, and one which I myself felt was useful for the Movement. I therefore decided to write two volumes, not only explaining the aims of our Movement, but portraying its development. This will be more instructive than any purely doctrinary dissertation.

At the same time I found opportunity to describe my own growth in so far as it serves toward the understanding of both volumes and toward the destruction of the vile legends built up around my person by the Jewish press.

In writing, I address myself not to strangers, but to those adherents of the Movement who belong to it with their hearts, and whose intelligence now seeks more intimate enlightenment.

I know that men are won less by the written than by the spoken word; and that every great movement in this world owes its growth to great orators, not to great writers.

Nevertheless, for the uniform and unified propagation of a doctrine, its principles must be laid down for all time. These two volumes, then, are meant to serve as stones which I hereby add to the common structure.

The Author

Landsberg on the Lech
Prison Fortress