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Mein Kampf

taking the field in the basest fashion against all that man can hold sacred, infamously attacking State and government, and setting great bodies of the people against each other, the bourgeois-democratic Jewish sheets succeeded in giving themselves the appearance of the famous objectivity, and carefully avoided all strong language, knowing that the empty-headed can judge only by exteriors, and are never able to penetrate within, so that for them the value of a thing is measured by this exterior instead of by the substance—a human weakness to which they owe their own standing.

For such people, no doubt, the Frankfurter Zeitung was and is the very essence of decency. It never uses rude language, opposes all physical brutality, and always urges war with “intellectual” weapons, which oddly enough is always the favorite idea of the most unintellectual people. This is a result of our half-education, which separates people from natural instincts, and pumps them full of a certain sort of information without being able to lead them to the ultimate knowledge; for here industry and good intentions alone are useless, and the necessary intelligence—native intelligence—is indispensable. But ultimate knowledge consists in understanding the causes of instinct—that is, man must never be so misguided as to believe that he has ascended to the position of lord and master over Nature (as in the conceit of half-education he so easily may), but must understand the fundamental necessity of Nature’s rule, and realize how completely even his existence is subject to these laws of eternal battle and upward struggle. Then he will perceive that in a universe where planets and suns revolve, moon moves around planet, in which strength is always master over weakness, and either forces it to be an obedient servant or crushes it, there cannot be special laws for man. Even over him the eternal principle of this ultimate wisdom holds sway. Try to grasp them he may, but can never free himself from them.

It is precisely for our intellectual demi-monde that the Jew writes his so-called newspapers for the intelligent reader. For this Frankfurter Zeitung and the Berliner Tageblatt are made, for