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better our situation. Again I began to yield to utter despair-again I thought of letting go my hold, and sinking at once: it is impossible, thought I, (illegible text)en to escape- why, then, prolong, for a few minutes, a painful existance that must at last be given? Yet, yet, the all-subduing love of life suggesting, that many things apparently impossible had (illegible text) me to pass; and I said to myself, If life is to be (illegible text), why not lose it in a glorious struggle? Should (illegible text) survive it by accident, life will be rendered doubtless sweet to me, and I still more worthy of it by persevering fortitude.

"While I was employed in this train of reflection, I perceived some of the people collecting together, talking, and holding a consultation: it immediately occurred to me, that they were devising the plan for escaping from the wreck, and getting (illegible text): and, so natural is it for man to cling to fellow creature for support in difficult or dangerous exigences, that I proposed to Mr. Hall to join (illegible text)m, and take a share in the execution of the plan observing to him at the same time that I was determined at all events to quit the vessel, and trust the protection and guidance of a superintending providence for the rest.

"As prodigality of life is, in some cases, the (illegible text)s of virtue and courage-so there are others in such it is vice, meanness and cowardice. True courage is, according to the circumstances under which it is to operate, as rigidly tenacious and vigi{{illegible} of life in one case, as it is indifferent and re{{illegible}tless in another; and I think it is a very strange contradiction in the human heart (although it often happens), that a man who has the most unbound(illegible text) courage, seeking death even in the canon's (illegible text)th, shall yet want the necessary resolution to (illegible text)e exertions to save his life in cases of o(illegible text)