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Tullochgorum’s my delight,
It gars us a’ in ane unite.
And ony sumph that keeps up spite.
In conscience I abhor him.

Blithe and merry we’s be a’,
Blithe and merry, blythe and merry;
Blythe and merry we’s be a’,
To make a cheerfu’ quorum.
Blithe and merry we’s be a’,
As lang’s we ha'e a braith to draw,
And dance, till we be like to fa’,
The Reel of Tullochgorum.

There needs na’ he sae great a phrase,
Wi' bringing dull Italian lays,
I wadna gae our ain strathspeys
For half a dozen score o’em:
They’re douff and dowie at the best,
Douff and dowie, douff and dowie;
They’re douff and dowie at the best,
Wi’ a’ their variorum;
They’re douff and dowie at the best,
Their allegros, and a’ the rest,
They canna please a Scottish taste,
Compar’d wi’ Tullochgorum.

Let warldly minds themselves oppress,
Wi’ fear o’ want and double cess:
And silly sauls themselves distress,
Wi’ keeping up decorum:
Shall we sae sour and silky sit,
Sour and silky, sour and silky;