Page:Melville Davisson Post--The Man of Last Resort.djvu/170

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The Man of Last Resort.

the backbone of young Mr. Huron was splendid material, and he remained. The perception of this man of the law was no dwarfish growth, and he used it like the wise. McDowell was Republican by 1600, and “White” Carter was big boss; 'post hoc ergo propter hoc. J. E. B. Huron was a Republican of ancient affiliation, and more specifically he was right hand man to White Carter. This wisdom was not without its reward. The convention that nominated Carter for sheriff, nominated Huron for prosecuting attorney, and the big boss pulled his man through in spite of splits, and splits, and independent tickets. The prosecuting attorney was a handsome young fellow with a good level head. He knew the value of the sheriff, and he held to him.

The prosecuting attorney took some papers from the safe, drew up a chair, and sat down by the sheriff.

“You have heard of Hirst's suicide?” he said.

The sheriff nodded. “All but the ante-mortem note,” he drawled.

The prosecuting attorney smiled. “How did you know there was a note?”