Page:Melville Davisson Post--The Man of Last Resort.djvu/56

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The Man of Last Resort.

hair, wide jaws, and a big crooked nose. Far back in his youth this nose had been straight, but one night, in a barroom on the Bowery, a difference of opinion had arisen over some inconsequential matter, and thereafter the gambler's nose had assumed a contour not contemplated in the original design.

The Major was talking, and pounding the table vigorously, when the Chinese servant entered with a tray and some glasses. The Virginian drew himself up and stepped back from the table.

“Well, Bumgarner,” he said, “I hail your resurrection; I glory in your return to life. You have been dead no inconsiderable period, sir.”

The Chinaman replied that he had been engaged in a laborious but unsuccessful hunt for the bottle of Angostura bitters.

“Angostura bitters?” cried the Major, “marvellous, inscrutable heathen! Will you deign to reveal your reason for requiring the Angostura bitters?”

The Celestial responded that he presumed bitters was an element requisite to the rather