Page:Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel (1876).djvu/132

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Caroline Lucretia Herschel.

April 18th.—I went to Slough. My brother went, with his family, to Bath.

May 10th.—My brother returned.

August 5th.—My brother Alexander came from Bath. ***** *****

November 22nd.—I went to make some stay at Slough during the time my brother spent in town with his family.

December 10th.—I returned to Upton.

January 14th.—I went, with my brother's family, to a morning concert, to my nephew, H. Griesbach, to hear the Hanoverian Concert-Meister Le Vec play. *****

March 5th.—Went to make some stay with my brother at Slough, Mrs. H. being in town.

March 27th.—All returned, and I went with my work to Upton again.

August 14th.—I went to stay with Alex, at Slough while my eldest brother went with his family from home. They had intended to have left Slough on the 12th, but were detained in consequence of a report of an expected invasion. ***** *****

In September was much hindered in my work by the packing of the Spanish telescope, which was done at the barn and rick-yard at Upton, my room being all the while filled with the optical apparatus.

September 24th.—I went to work with my brother at Slough.

October 1st.—When Mrs. H., with her niece, returned from Newbury, I went again to Upton. The Spanish telescope left England in October.[1]

November 13th.—I went to Slough, the family to town;
  1. The cost of this fine instrument, which had been ordered by the King of