Page:Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel (1876).djvu/25

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Chap. I.]
Early Recollections.
have seen my brother William confirmed in his new oböisten uniform."

The next interesting event was the marriage of the eldest daughter, who was living with a family at Brunswick, and whom her sister says she had never seen until she came home to be married. The bridegroom, Mr. Griesbach, also a musician in the Guard, found no favour in the eyes of his sister-in-law, and it is evidently some satisfaction to her to have been told that her father never cordially approved the match,

"for ... he knew him at least to be but a very middling musician, and this alone would have been enough for my father's disapprobation."

Great preparations were made for

"providing and furnishing a habitation (which happened to be in the same house where my parents lived), which they did in as handsome a manner as their straitened income would allow, and to which my dear brothers took delight in contributing to the best of their ability. I remember how delighted I was when they were showing me the pretty framed pictures with which my brother William had decorated his sister's room, and heard my mother relate afterwards, that the brothers had taken two months' pay in advance for the wedding entertainment. . . Though for stocking a family with household linen my mother was prepared at all times, as perhaps never a more diligent spinner was heard of; but to keep pace with the wishes of my dear brothers, by whom my sister was, as well as by her parents, exceedingly beloved—the whole family were kept for a time in an