Page:Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico.djvu/58

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years about half a million of dollars from it. The ore looks extremely rich; it is a remarkably pure oxyde of copper, accompanied sometimes with the native metal, and said to contain some gold. Mr. Coursier soon monopolized the whole copper trade in Chihuahua; and as the State at that time coined a great deal of this metal; he made a very profitable business of it: but at last the mine, which seems to be inexhaustible, had to be abandoned on account of hostile Indians, who killed some of the workmen, and attacked the trains. These copper mines are claimed by the State of Chihuahua, as belonging to its territory; but as not even the latitude of the city of Chihuahua had been well determined by the Mexicans, more exact astronomical observations may perhaps prove that they fall within the territory of New Mexico. This question may become of importance, because this whole range of mountains is intersected with veins of copper and placers of gold. Cinnabar also, says rumor, was discovered there in 1824, but nothing positive is known in relation to it.

Coal has been found at present only on two places in the State, near the mines of Carmen and near the mines of Sierra Rica; but it will probably occur in other localities.

After this short review of the mines in the State of Chihuahua, the question of course will arise, What is the annual production of these mines? The only data to which I can refer, are the following: In the 24 years from 1738 to 1761, the amount of silver produced in the State of Chihuahua was 3,428,278 marcs, or $28,283,293; and in the 17 years from 1777 to 1793, 1,394,161 marcs, or $12,501,828. The following is the estimated amount for later years:

In 1824 69,816 marcs, or 575,982 dollars.
1826 138,015 1,138,623
In 1827 129,402 1,067,566
1828 142,785 1,177,976
1830 128,747 1,062,163
1831 138,916 1,146,057
1832 117,484 969,243
1833 116,802 963,616
1834 109,419 902,707

More recent dates I was unable to get, though I understood from competent persons that the amount of silver had in the last 12 years considerably increased. The computator of the above tables estimates that the annual average amount of the production of silver and gold in the State of Chihuahua is 125,000 marcs, or $1,031,251; but he supposes that but 100,000 marcs of that sum pass through the mint, and that 25,000 marcs are every year smuggled out of the country.

There is a well-managed mint (casa de moneda) in Chihuahua, coining gold, silver, and copper. Mr. J. Potts and brother are the present proprietors, in consequence of a contract made with the government of Chihuahua. As all the silver ore in the State contains more or less gold, they separate it before coining, in large platina vessels, with sulphuric acid. For coining a marc of silver without separating the gold, they receive two reals, (25 cents;) for coining and separating the gold, five reals; but the marc of silver from which the gold is to be separated must contain at least 16 grains of gold.

Of the commerce of the State very little can be said at present. A