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meet with a good booty, such as beds, carpets, &c., the family being probably out of town. This operation is called trigging the jigger.

TRY IT ON, to make all attempt, or essay, where success is doubtful. So to try it on with a woman, signifies to attempt her chastity.

TURN UP, to desist from, or relinquish, any particular habit or mode of life, or the further pursuit of any object you had in view, is called turning it up. To turn up a mistress, or a male acquaintance, is to drop all intercourse, or correspondence, with them. To turn up a particular house, or shop, you have been accustomed to use, or deal at, signifies to withdraw your patronage, or custom, and visit it no more. To quit a person suddenly in the street, whether secretly or openly, is called turning him up. To turn a man up sweet, is to get rid of him effectually, but yet to leave him in perfect good humour, and free from any suspicion or discontent; this piece of finesse often affords a field for the exercise of consummate address, as in the case of turning up a flat, after having stript him of all his money at play, or a shopkeeper, whom you have just robbed before his face of something valuable, upon the pinch, or the hoist.

TURNED UP, a person acquitted by a jury, or discharged by a magistrate for want of evidence, &c., is said to be turned up. See Swell.

TURNIPS, to give any body turnips signifies to turn him or her up, and the party so turned up, is said to have knap’d turnips.

TURN UP A TRUMP, to be fortunate in getting a