Page:Memoirs of Henry Villard, volume 2.djvu/405

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Monroe, 2:8; letters ofintroduction to V., II.

Chatrian, Alexnndre, 1:6.

Chattanooga, siege of, 2: 130—263.

Cheatham. Benjamin F., attack at Chickamnuga, 2: my, "8; before Chattanooga, no.

Cherry Creek (Denver and Aurelia). geld. mining selllemcnt, 1: 104—136.

Chicago & Northern Pacific R, R., founded by v.,z: 337; suitagainstv., 359.

Chicknmnuga,battle, preliminaries, 2: 9x— 1x2: opposing forces, log—tn; first day, 113—125; second day, hour ofopening,:29, contest, tab—x73; casualties,:71; merits olBragg and Rosecrans. 170: v. collects material for an account of it, 18'.

Cleburne, Patrick R., in Chickarnauga fight, 2: 92; leads night attack, 12!; second day's attack,:32; defeat,:35: re. called from accompanying Langsueet to Knoxville, 246, 241: defends Missionary Ridge, 254.

Cleveland, Grover, V.'s efi'orts to renom. iunte, 2: 361, 362: gives dinner to him alter election, 362, and urges calling extra sea. sion of Congress to rele Sherman Act, 363; help rrom him in getting money to entertain foreign World's Fair guests, 366.

Cofi'm, Charles C., 1: 386, 387.

Colbui'n, Richard 1:, 1: 253.

Columbiurl World's Fair, reception or foreign guests arranged for in N. V. by v, 2 z 365; Fair visi'ed by him, 367, and visit of German am'sans provided (or, 375

Commerdal, Cincinnati, employs V. as legislative reporter, 1: 9a; as Pike's Peak correspondent, 99; as Lincoln campaign correspondent,:33; as \Vashinglon cone< spondent, x53, x54; Rosecrans's organ, 2: 57.

Conkling, Roscoe, 2: 30!.

Cooke, Jay & 00., invest in Oregon Steam Navigation (20., 2: also; tailure, 287.

Corinth, Miss, rebel advance from, I: 256; Halleck's advance against, 268-275: evacuation, 215; occupation, 276.

Caster, C. H., 2: 326.

Crittenden, Thomas 14., under Buell in Perryville campaign, 1: 239,19], 3m, 310, 326; under Rosecrans, 2: 6:; inadvance on Chattanooga, 90: confronted by Polk. 100, 101; position on the Glickamauga, 103, :04; lends aid to Gen. Thomas,:16.- position on second day, x26: cut off from his command, r43; follows Rosecrans to Chattanooga, "7, us, 165: returns to field,:68; holds left at Chattanooga, 168, 181; under public censure, r36,:87; relieved of coin. mand, lBy—th; vindicated by court of inquiry. 190.

Crook, George, 2: 203—206.

Dana, Charles A., Vr's first meeting with, 1: 7r, 7:; sends V. to Minnesota, 74; Secretary Sunwn's emisary to Western armies. 2::66: misreports first day's fight at Chickamauga, 166: corrects it, 167; part in punishing McCook and Crittenden, 18!, and in removal of Rosecrans, an; his reporls to Secretary Stanton,:89, 29:, no: meets Grant at Nashville, 209: returns to front, an; useful to v., no; watches advance on Missionary Ridge,:49; letter to Gen. Thomas,:13.

Davis, Jefierson, at Bull Run, 1:190; petitioned for Bragg's removal, 2; 194—196; visits Bragg's army, 193—198: sustains him, but spams Folk and Hindrnan, 197.

Davis, Jefferson (2., kills Gen, Nelson, 1: 308, 309; in Rorsccrans's campaign, 2: 61:; at Chattanooga, 242,:43, 252,:54.

Decker, Howell & Co., 2: 3;}

Denver, mining stage, 1:115-133; in 1876, 2:279.

Deutsche Bank, director, Georg Siemens, 2: 3m; builds railroad in Anatolia, 3 makes V. its N. Y. representative, 320; markets Northern Pacific and Oregon K R. & Navigation Co. bonds, 329, 334, 367; censure of v,, and apology, 368.

Dickinson, Don M., 2: 362—364.

Dillon, Sidney, 2: 281, 284, 331.

Douglas, Stephen A., visited by v., in Washington, 1:54, in Chimgo, 92; Senatorial campaign and debate with Lincoln, 91-96: at Freeport, 92; his wife, 92.

Draper, Simeon, 1: 58,59.

Drexel, Francis M., 1:56.

Dupont. Samuel F., gathers fleet at Hampton Roads, 2:5; V.s introduction to him, 12; orders attack on Fort McAllister, 25; shares attack on Charleston forts, 35—51; censured by press for failure, 49-51.

Edison General Electric Co., founded by V., 2:376.

Electric light, power, and traction, V. a pioneer in, 2: 325-327.