Page:Memoirs of Henry Villard, volume 2.djvu/411

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Oregon & California R. R. Co., de faults, 2: 270; extension proposed by V., 277; V. becomes its president, 278; re signs, 293; bonds pass from German to English holders, V. president again, 294 ; extension, 301; leased to Oregon & Transcontinental Co., 303. Oregon & Transcontinental Co., founded by V., 2: 299; leases Oregon & Cali fornia lines, 303; rise in shares, 308; dis tress, 314, 315; V. resigns presidency, 316; leases Oregon system to Union Pacific, 327; rescued by V. from bank ruptcy, 323 ; his new presidency, 329 ; holds control against Union Pacific and J. J. Hill, 330; absorption in North Amer ican Co., 341. Oregon Central R. R., 2: 275, 276; pro posed extension by V., 277, 281. Oregon Improvement Co., founded by V., 2: 292. Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., founded by V., 2: 288, 289; T. F. Oakes general manager, 295; V. resigns presi dency, 315; leased to Union Pacific, 327; V. rescues it, 322, 323 ; injunction against it, 330; stock sold to Union Pacific, 332. Oregon Steam Navigation Co., 2: 285, 286; sells out to V., 289. Oregon Steamship Co., 2: 275; V. presi dent, 278; creditors take possession, 281 ; sell out to V., 285; V. resigns presidency, - Oregon University, succored by V., 2: 304 ; last reception, 375. Orr, James L., 1: 77. Ottendorfer, Oswald, employs V. as can vasser, 1 : 89. Pacific Coast Steamship Co., 2 : 293. Palmer, John M., 2 : 247. Palmieri, Luigi, 2 : 269. Perryville, battle of, 1 : 313-325. Pfeiffer, Franz, grandfather of Henry Vil- lard, 1 : 3, 6. Pfeiffer, Lisette, marries Gustav Hilgard and becomes mother of Henry Villard, 1 :

; death, 2 : 268. 

Phillips, Wendell, 2: 54 . Pierce, Edward L., 2 : 8, 9. Pike s Peak, gold fever and settlements, 1 : -136. Pillow, Gideon J., invades Kentucky, 1 :

; reinforces Fort Donelson, 221. 

Pittsburg Landing, after the rout of Grant s army, 1 : 243-246 ; second day s fight, 247-251. Polk, Leonidas, in the Shiloh campaign, 1 : 254, 256 ; under Bragg in Perryville campaign, 313, 314; at Stone s River, 2: 62 ; at Chickamauga, disappoints Bragg, 99, 100 ; mistake on second day, 128-130; repulse, 135; delayed advance, 160; holds right in investment of Chattanooga, 182 ; works for Bragg s removal, 196 ; suspended from command, 129, 130, 193, 197; charges preferred, overruled by Davis, 197. Pope, John, with Lincoln from Springfield to Washington, 1: 150; operations on Mississippi, 264; ordered to join Halleck before Corinth, 265; commands Army of Mississippi, 266; renews acquaintance with V., 272; at siege of Corinth, 274; de ceived by rebels, 275 ; awarded honor of first entering Corinth, 276; pursuit of Rebels, 278 ; misleading reports of success, 279-281; succeeds McClellan and fails, 336. Potts, Joseph D., 2 : 291. Prentice, George D., 1 : 203. Prentiss, Benjamin M., at Shiloh, 1 : 257- - Press, Philadelphia, V. writes for, 1 : 91. Preston, William, 2: 158. Pullman, George. M., 2 : 291, 293. Pumpelly, Raphael, 2: 305. Rawlins, John A., 1: 270. Raymond, Henry J., 1: 71. Reid, Whitelaw, V. s first acquaintance with, 1: 253; buysT. s house, 2: 321. Richardson, Albert D., accompanies Greeley to Denver, 1: 122, 126; army correspondent, meets V. again at Cairo, 263, and at Memphis, 283. Roach, John, 2: 290. Roddy, Philip D., 2 : 206. Rodgers, Christopher R. P., chief of staff to Admiral Dupont, 2 : 12 ; in attack on Charleston forts, 49-51 ; defence of Dupont, commendation of V., 49-51. Rosecrans, William S., V. s first ac quaintance with, 1 : 272 ; pursuit of rebels after Corinth, 279; succeeds Buell, 331, 2: 59; reorganizes army, marches against Bragg, 60, 61 ; plan of battle at Stone s River, 62 ; shaken by losses incurred, 63 ; fortifies Murfreesboro , and will not budge, 64 ; receives V. cordially, 64 ; seeks to use him, 65; appearance and conversation, 66,