Page:Memoirs of Madame de Motteville on Anne of Austria and her court.djvu/13

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CHAPTER I. 1611-1630.

Flourishing state of the kingdom at the death of Henri IV. Evil in- fluence of the Marechal d'Ancre. His murder. Majority of Louis XIII. Marriage of Philip IV. of Spain to Elisabeth of France, and of Louis XIII. with Anne of Austria. Toilet of the latter. Portrait of Louis XIII. Intrigues of the Due de Luynes. Vexations of Anne of Austria. Death of de Luynes. Passion of the Duke of Buckingham for the queen. Madame de Che- vreuse. Persecution of Cardinal Richelieu against Aqnfi ofAnafaria, and his love for her. Her hatred and contempt for him. His policy. The queen's fear of being repudiated. Madame de Motteville sent away from the queen. Portrait of the queen at that time. portraits of the most remarkable women at Court . .

CHAPTER II. 1630-1643.

Hatred of Marie de' Medici against Cardinal Kichelieu. The " Day of the Dupes " and its consequences. Arrest of Marie de' Medici at Compiegne, and her escape to Flanders. Mademoi">Ufi dp TTunt.*- fort. Slavery of Louis XIII. to Cardinal Richelieu. His melan- choly life at Saint-Germain. Anne of Austria neglected. Incli- nation of the king for Mademoiselle de La Fayette ; she becomes a nun; singular and affecting romance. Birth of Louis XIV., Septembers, 1638. Reconciliation of king and queen. D_eath oL Cardinal Richelieu, December 4, 1642. His portrait. The^ courtiers cluster round Anne of Austria. The king opens the prisons and allows the exiles to return. Makes Cardinal Mazarin his minister. Louis XIII. in the last days of his life. Declara- tion to his council on the regency . Anne of Austria swears to observe it. Details on death of Louis XIII., May 14, 1643. His portrait