Page:Memoirs of Royal Astronomical Society Volume 01.djvu/14

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Addbsss of the Society . . p ^ e j

Regulations of the Society 9

First Report of the Council to the Society ...... 21


I An Account of the Repeating Circle, and of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument ; describing their different constructions, the manner of performing their principal adjustments, and how to make observations with them; together with a comparison ofl/ieir respective advantages. By Edward Trovohton, Esq., F.R.S.,

and Member of the American Philosophical Society . . 33

II The Description of a Repeating Instrument upon a new c6Hittpr : ' 0- tion. By G. Dollond, Esq. F.R.S. . . J /££'%. fz'fo

" - : -

HI. On a Method of fixing a Transit Instrument exactly in the Me- : ' ridian. By F. Baily, Esq. F.R.S. and L.S. .... 59

IV. On the doubly-refracting property of Rock Crystal, considered as a principle of Micrometrical measurements, when applied to a telescope. By the Rsr. W. Pearson, LL.D. F.R.S. and Trea- Wer of this. Society .. ... .; . .. .. g7

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