Page:Memoirs of Royal Astronomical Society Volume 01.djvu/16

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XIII. On a luminous appearance seen on the dark part of the Moon in May 1821. Communicated in a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Pearson, from the Ret. M. Ward 159

XIV. On the Occultations of Fixed Stars by the Moon: on the Repeating Circle : on the Perturbations, 8$c. of the new Planets : and Observations of the late Comet and of the Planet Vesta. Communicated in a Letter to the Rev. T. Catton, F.R.S., from Professor Littrow of Vienna 162

XV. On the places of 145 new Double Stars. By Sir William Her- schel, President of this Society 166

XVI. Universal Tables for the reduction of the Fixed Stars. By

S. Groombridge, Esq., F.R.S. and S.R.A.Nap. . . .182

XVII. Observation of the Solar Eclipse which took place on Sep- tember 7 } 1820. Communicated in a Letter from M. Piazzi to '

the Foreign Secretary . . . . . .217

Presents received by the Society List of the Members of the Society List of the Officers of the Society

. 219

. 225 . 232

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