Page:Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's life.djvu/57

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scure private perſons, with impunity, & in open defiance of the Laws.

Mr Maſon, at my requeſt, searching into ſome old Town cheſts, at length met with a few vellum leaves, being the pariſh regiſter from anno 1571 to 1642 incluſive; the very year Sr. Iſaac was born. but there is intermitted, not loſt, from anno 1630 to 1640 incluſive. which is a space of time in which his fathers marriage happen'd, & probably other circumſtances in his family, or among his relations, which wd. have aſsiſted us in our preſent inquiry. however very luckily upon the laſt leaf, which has been miſerably abuſd, is this memorable account, under the title baptiz'd anno 1642.

Iſaac sonne of Iſaac & Hanna Newton jan 1.

tis probable, that the civil wars then beginning, was the reaſon, why it ends in this leaf. from thoſe leaves I extracted all of the name of Newton, wh are numerous. but for the reason aforemention'd, of being generally bare names only, without mention of fathers, mothers, huſband, wife, & the like, they were of no great ſervice in drawing out his genealogy, as was my purpoſe to doe.