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Annette, who was requested to bring the promised treat herself. It was agreed that nothing relative to our plan should be uttered before her; and whilst my three companions were indulging in rough jokes upon the unexpected pleasure thus offered them, I carelessly resumed my place on the bed, and whilst there traced with a pencil these few lines—"When you leave this place, disguise yourself; and do not for an instant lose sight of myself, St Germain, or Boudin. Be careful to avoid all observation; and, above all, be sure to pick up anything I may let fall, and to convey it as directed." Short as was this hurried instruction, it was, I knew, sufficient for Annette, who had frequently received similar directions, and I felt quite assured that she would comprehend it in its fullest sense. It was not long before she joined us, bringing with her the basket of wine. Her appearance was the signal for mirth and gaiety. She was complimented by all; and as for myself, under the semblance of thanking her for her ready attendance with an embrace, I managed to slip the billet into her hand: she understood me, took leave of the company, and left me far happier than I had felt an hour before.

We made a hearty dinner, after which I suggested the idea of going alone with St Germain, to reconnoitre the scene of action, in order to be provided with the means of guarding against any accident. As this seemed merely the counsel of a prudent man, it excited no suspicion; the only difference in his opinion and mine, was, that I proposed taking a hackney-coach, whilst he judged it better to walk. When we reached the part he considered most favourable for scaling, he pointed it out to me; and I took care to observe it so well, that I could easily describe it to another, without fear of any mistake arising. This done, St Germain recollected that we had all better cover our faces with black crape; and we proceeded towards the Palais Royal, for the purpose of buying some; and whilst he was in a shop, examining the different sorts, I managed to