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that he will cause them to enjoy the full benefit of it. Having for this purpose commanded that all the expedition and dispatch shall be made which is necessary for the execution of the above.

Also signed, HENRI.

And below, Forget.

The King's Proclamation, forbidding more than twelve persons to be present at the weddings and baptisms of persons of the pretended Reformed religion.

It having been represented to the King, in Council, that his having regulated the number of persons of the pretended Reformed religion who may attend at the funerals of those of said religion, they have made it a pretext for doing the same at marriages and baptisms, marching through the streets, pretending to be a numerous body going to their temples, contrary to all former usage, and which it is proper to provide against. The King, in Council, therefore decrees that in future not more than twelve persons, including the parents, shall be present at the marriages and baptisms of those of the said pretended Reformed religion, and no more shall walk through the streets, going to the said ceremonies, under penalty of forfeiting their privileges, &c., &c., &c.

Given in Council, at St. Germain en Laye, the ninth day of November, 1670.


Proclamation of the Sieur President and Lieutenant-General of Sedan, forbidding persons of the pretended Reformed religion to expose, retail or sell animal food or game on days when the use of it is prohibited by the Church.

It has been represented to us, by the King's Attorney-General, that an abusive practice prevails, without any authority but the having been established by the Ancient Princes, who were of the pretended Reformed religion. Butchers, as well Catholic as of the pretended Reformed religion, undertake to keep open the public butchers' shambles, and to expose and sell meat publicly, during Lent, and other days of fasting and abstinence ordered by the