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Woman of Pleasure.

scarce knew how to contain myself: the smart of the lashes was now converted into such a prickly heat, such fiery tinglings, as made me sigh, squeeze my thighs together, shift and wriggle about my seat, with a furious restlessness; whilst these itching ardours thus excited in those parts on which the storm of discipline had principally fallen, detach'd legions of burning, subtile, stimulating spirits, to their opposite spot, and center of assemblage, where their titillation rag'd so furiously, that I was even stinging-mad with them: no wonder then, that in such a taking, and devour'd by flames that lick'd up all modesty and reserve, my eyes now charg'd brimful of the most intense desire, fired on my companion very intelligible signals of distress: my companion, I say, who grew in them every instant more amiable, and more necessary to my urgent wishes, and hopes of immediate ease.

Mr. Barvile, no stranger, by experience, to these situations, soon knew the
