Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/160

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Navaho Legends.

From where the serrate knives dangle on high,
You have the treasures, holy one, not I.

He who was Reared beneath the Earth arrives,
Here from the house made of all kinds of knives.
From where all kinds of knives dangle on high,
You have the treasures, holy one, not I.

The hero, Changing Grandchild, now arrives,
Here from the house made of the yellow knives.
From where the yellow knives dangle on high,
You have the treasures, holy one, not I.280

368. His song had scarcely ceased when they heard, in the far east, a loud voice singing this song:—

With Slayer of the Alien Gods I come,
From the house made of dark stone knives I come,
From where dark knives dangle on high I come,
With implement of sacred rites I come,
Dreadful to you.

With Offspring of the Waters now I come,
From the house made of serrate knives I come,
From where the serrate knives hang high I come,
With implement of sacred rites I come,
Divine to you.

With Reared beneath the Earth now do I come,
From house of knives of every kind I come,
Where knives of every kind hang high I come,
With implement of sacred rites I come,
Dreadful to you.

Now with the Changing Grandchild here I come,
From the house made of yellow knives I come,
From where the yellow knives hang high I come,
With implement of sacred rites I come,
Dreadful to you.281

369. As the voice came nearer and the song continued, Estsána-tlehi said to the youths: "Put on quickly the clothes you usually wear, Tsóhanoai is coming to see us; be ready to receive him," and she left the lodge, that she might not hear them talk about the anáye.

370. When the god had greeted his children and taken a seat, he said to the elder brother: "My son, do you think you have slain all the anáye?" "Yes, father," replied the son, "I think I have killed all that should die." "Have you brought home trophies from the slain?" the father questioned again. "Yes, my father," was the reply; "I have brought back wing-feathers, and lights and hair and