Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/27

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precise character of which has not been ascertained. They say that about 800 people died that winter. During the winter of 1894-95 they suffered from scarcity of food,—an unusual experience for them, and the government had to assist them. An increased mortality ensued, which undoubtedly would have been much

Fig. 6. Navaho man (from photograph by J. K. Hillers)

greater had it not been for the prompt action of their agent, Maj. Constant Williams, U.S.A., in securing supplies for them.


15. The Navahoes are usually regarded by ethnologists as being, by blood as well as by language, of the Dèné or Athapascan stock, and such, probably, they are in the main. But their Origin Legend represents them as a very mixed race, containing ele-