Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/294

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Bíniye tsíye ti′snĭsad lée.
His voice sounds in every direction (no meaning).
Bíniye tsíye dĭgini lée.
His voice sounds divine (no meaning).


Kạt Tsówenatlehi la dĭsĭtsáya.
Now Changing Grandchild one I hear him.
Kos benikásde la dĭsĭtsáya.
Clouds through from one I hear him.
Bíniye tsíye ti′snĭsad lée.
His voice sounds in every direction (no meaning).
Bíniye tsíye dĭgini lée.
His voice sounds divine (no meaning).

Nayénězgạni changed to Yénaězgạni; bĭné (his voice) changed to bíniye; dĭgĭ′n changed to dígini, for poetic reasons. Preludes and refrains omitted.



Kạt Nayénězgạni nahaníya,
Now Slayer of the Alien Gods he arrives,
Pes dĭlyĭ′li behogánla ásde nahaníya,
Knives dark a house made of from he arrives,
Pes dĭlyĭ′li da‘honíhe ásde nahaníya.
Knives dark dangle high from he arrives.
Nisása dĭnĭgíni, síka tóta.
Your treasures you holy one, for my sake not.


Kạt To‘badzĭstsíni nahaníya,
Now Child of the Water he arrives,
Pes dolgási behogánla ásde nahaníya,
Knives serrate a house made of from he arrives,
Pes dolgási da‘honíhe ásde nahaníya.
Knives serrate dangle high from he arrives.
Nisása dĭnĭgíni, síka tóta.
Your treasures you holy one, for my sake not.


Kạt Léyaneyani nahaníya,
Now Reared under the Earth he arrives,
Pes althasaí behogánla ásde nahaníya,
Knives of all kinds a house made of from he arrives,
Pes althasaí da‘honíhe ásde nahaníya.
Knives of all kinds dangle high from he arrives.
Nizáza dĭnĭgíni, síka tóta.
Your treasures you holy one, for my sake not.


Kạt Tsówenatlehi nahaníya,
Now Changing Grandchild he arrives,
Pes lĭtsói behogánla ásde nahaníya.
Knives yellow a house made of from he arrives,