Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/329

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Vision of the war gods, 127.
Vomiting, 227.

Wallascheck, Richard, 255, 257.
Wands, magic, 150-153, 221.
War Gods, see Nayénézgani and To'badsĭstsíni.
War gods, apparitions of, 238.
Water bottle invention of, 70.
Water, causes conception, 105.
Water, four kinds of, 80, 218, 223.
Water god, burned, 170.
Water god, see Tiéholtsodi.
Water made to spring up, 151.
Water of Old Age, see San Juan River.
Water People, sacred, 169.
Water, sacred, 222.
Water Sprinkler, see Tó'nenĭli
Waters, house under the, 73.
Weapons, divine, 113, 132, 233.
Weasels, 74.
Weaving, 19.
Western immigrants, so called, see Dĭné‘ Nahotlóni.
White Corn, symbolism of, 217.
White Corn Boy, 79, 105.
White House, Home of yéi, Chelly Canyon, 36, 251.
White Mountain Thunder (god), 64.
White people (not Caucasians), 249.
White shell beads, 163.
White Shell Woman, see Yolkaí Estsán.
White under the Rock (anáye), 126.
Whirlwinds, 101, 202, 251.
Wind, gives life, 69.
Wind, see Nil’tsi.
Wind, trail of, on finger-tips, 69.
Wind People, 177, 179, 184.
Winds, four, 165, 166, 219.
Witchcraft and witches, 40, 70, 187, 220, 249.
Witches, chieftainess of, see Estsán Natán.
Wolf, 77, 87, 200.
Wolf People, 192.
Woman Who Rejuvenates Herself, see Estsánatlehi.
Women, social position of, 10, 240.
Woodpeckers, red-shafted, 245.
Wood-rats, 160-162.
World, edge of, 65, 80, 113.
World, how enlarged, 223.
Worlds, five, 65-76.

dill, Sky Father (god), 230.
Yazoni, beautiful, good. 247.
Yébaad, female yéi, 37, 243.
Yébaka, male yéi, 252.
Yébĭtsai, maternal grandfather, name of Hastséyalti, 224.
Yéi, gods, 35-38, 93, 106, 217, 231, 234, 254.
Yéi, in klédzi hatál, list of, 252.
Yéitso (anáye), 108, 113, 114-116, 231, 234.
lapahi (anáye), 91-94, 226.
Yellow Corn Girl, 79, 105, 136.
Yellow Fox People, 192.
Yellow Light People, 104.
Yellow under the Rock (anáye), 126.
Yellow Warbler, 79.
Yói hatál, 53, 195, 250.
Yóidse hatal, bead chant, 53, 250, 267.
Yolkaí Estsán, White Shell Woman (goddess), 34, 105, 135, 230, 231, etc.
Young Woman Who Rattles, see Tsik Nazĭ'li.
Yucca, 102, 103, 125, 212, 228, 229.
Yucca-fibre, 161.
Yucca People (gens), 30, 140, 239.
Yucca suds, 163, 184, 227.
di (goods), 222.

Zenith and nadir, 216.
Zoölatry, 38.
Zuñi, 2, 10, 22, 36, 145, 158, 242.