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seek an asylum in another country. This resolution, when communicated to his wife, she entirely approved. Her mind was deeply affected with the subject of slavery, and she said on that occasion, "that she wished to leave Barbadoes, lest by remaining there she might be leavened into the nature of the inhabitants, which was pride and oppression." After having resided thirteen years in Barbadoes, he came to Philadelphia in 1731.

Having followed him to the shores of our own country, it may be proper, before proceeding farther in his history, to furnish a description of his personal appearance; for his physical organization was not less remarkable than the qualities of his mind were rare and extraordinary. He was only four feet seven inches in height; his head was large in proportion to his body; the features of his face were remarkable, and boldly delineated, and his countenance was grave and benignant. He was hunch-backed, with a projecting chest, below which his body became much contracted. His legs were so