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Vain were the solicitations of his friends to induce him to abandon his purpose; his mind was immoveable, notwithstanding all their representations, that if he persisted much longer, he would certainly perish. With the rapid sinking of his system, his mental faculties began to fail. As soon as this was perceived by those around him, they administered suitable diet, and thus he was gradually restored.

During the last one or two years of the close of his life, the infirmities of age disqualified him for much exertion, either of body or mind. He remained principally at home, employed in spinning and other domestic occupations. Honey was one of the few articles of his food, and he amused himself with constructing hives for the accommodation of his bees, and observing their curious labour. By his friendly care to those industrious insects, and by abstaining from the cruel practice of destroying them in order to procure their honey, he increased his original family to a large community,