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mony, that if possible I may be clear of it and you, before my great Creator, and as you will answer it, before his tribunal, let it go forth as you may see its service in righteousness; without striking at any creature, but at the evil in all, that the cause may be removed, and that the creation may be governed by love; and this practice disowned in all mankind, and especially by all that name the name of Jesus, that every creature under the whole heavens may be delivered from oppression, as well as,

Ralph Sandiford."

For nearly two years after the publication of his address, he was incessantly occupied in combating the objections which were raised against the arguments it contained. His bodily health at length became impaired, and his mental energies were almost prostrated beneath the hostility which was waged against him, in consequence of the decisive stand he had taken against slavery. He therefore determined to retire from the city of Philadelphia.